Tuesday, January 3, 2012

PIMCO's Bill Gross The Bond Slave


A guide on how to go from a KING to a SLAVE in the 21st century

Chapter 1: Invest for the long term
Chapter 2: Sell everyone on the idea of safe steady returns
Chapter 3: How to structure it like a ponzi scheme
Chapter 4: Never sell your bonds
Chapter 5: If the idea ever fails, just blame it on the government

Lets get something straight about this guy! He made $1.7 billion in 2008 after having large positions in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But shouldn't he lost money being that those companies went bankrupt? EXACTLY! But instead he did what every other politician does when they need help. He lobbied Washington to bail him out and buy all the Fannie and Freddie mortgage paper off him. Can you Fucking believe it!? So lets think about this for a second. He begged, pleaded, and basically threatened the government to give him our tax payer money to bail out his bad bets and in the end he nets $1.7 billion. SOMETHING IS FUCKN WRONG! This guy stole our Fucking tax money and profited and still runs PIMCO, the worlds largest bond fund. But you know what BITCH! Life comes around in a full circle and “God” “Love” “Life” whatever the fuck you want to call it has a plan larger than any mans schemes. It's called natural order. And a man that needs saving once will need it again because he is not following natural order, but instead artificial support. GET IT!? Well if you don't then that's fine too.
But this is the situation now. Bill Gross has been losing his ass in Bonds these past 2 years. And to prove how poorly he's doing this year, this article (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/16/bill-gross-pimco-bad-year_n_1013954.html ) explains how he had sold his gigantic bond portfolio right before bonds had a monstrous rally this year not seen in very often. So basically Bill Gross as a bond fund manager was waiting his whole bond life for this trade and he missed it. Then as the bond market ignited because of fears of slower growth and a large move ensues, he jumps back on the bandwagon in somewhere near the top and writes an apology letter to his investors for missing the rally. So instead of admitting he missed the trade, he does exactly what every amateur trader does. HE CHASES. When I saw him on TV, I saw a gay little child that was not rationalizing why he made the trade but instead apologizing for doubting the US BOND MARKET. Watching it made me realize something. PIMCO is going to be the largest bond fund to ever collapse at the hand of the federal reserve. Whether that means it's done on purpose or by accident, someone has to be holding the BOND PAPER when everything goes down the shitter. Him and his cronies Mohamed El-Erian and Neil Kashkari are nothing but cunning idiots. They come off as soft spoken and intelligent but like non visionaries, don't know how to act on their information. They just repeat the analysis given to them by their overly-funded research team. Anyway, I'm not in the business of giving future SLAVES tips (since they're going to be broke anyway) but I figured I would give those reading something to ponder.

[But first let me redirect your attention to what our Central Banking system called the Federal Reserve has done to our purchasing power over the last 100 years. Every war we entered has been the direct ability of them to borrow printed money laundered by the Federal Reserve into the bond market.]
My fellow readers, once you understand that the Federal Reserve is owned by shareholders of banks JP MORGAN , WELLS FARGO , CITI, then you can understand that the game is rigged. It's a club. They play the game with our money and when they fail they just print more of it. They kick whoever they don't want out of the club or just change the name of the bank so they can keep disguising their scheme. Of course most of you will turn away from this truth and that's what makes you a good SLAVE. A SLAVE who doesn't know he's one is the best SLAVE. The slavery starts with control of the money which is actually control of our needs. This is why GOLD is the only honest money because it can't be manipulated. The game needs to start over and people must get back to producing. Since when was paper money worth anything? It is the product or commodity that is worth something. I feel like I'm in a bad dream where everyone has lost their minds. People are so fixated on the paper that they forget where it's value is really derived from. COMMODITIES! I'm the biggest bull in commodities and there is not a bond, stock, or fiat currency that has more value. Because in the end lets not forget where all these markets are really born from.

Now I'm interested in going back to what you may have come here for. Since information of sociopolitics doesn't interest you and making money is all you care about, even if you make money from this idea you are considered a poor man to me. Let me explain this trade and how I go about seeing things.

The US dollar and the bond market are really considered one in the same. Because fundamentally, our dollar and the bond market are both pieces of paper backed by our government. Instead of government and free markets being separate non -interested parties, they are actually in bed together. Well the day always comes where one becomes more important/independent than the other for a little short while before their relationship is realized (I wonder if that sounds familiar of the relationship you might have with your wife). Let me continue to explain my thesis. There is going to come a time when our bond market and our dollar will decouple. That means they will go in opposite directions (sounds like your relationship at one point doesn't it?). In my opinion this will happen because of the European debt crisis. People will question whether our bond market is even safe. In the interim people will scurry to the dollar in hurry. This may cause a further spike in the US dollar. But the US dollar's trade trigger will come from the Euro collapse, or revaluation. Whatever you want to call it. That will make our dollar a lot stronger than Bernanke wishes, which will prompt him to do QE3 but because the Euro is the second largest currency it will cause adverse affects on our Dollar. It could cause our dollar to rise in value further than any bear can imagine, and then before everyone jumps on the train like 2008, the dollar collapse will ensue. It could be fast or trending. But when our bond market sells off along with our market this could cause people to start begging the question what the dollar means. By then we may be talking about QE4 and a possible re-evaluation of the world's perception of a reserve currency being taken seriously. China's economy will be considered most stable and powerful therefore everyone will be rushing to be a buyer of their currency. China will be the ultimate winner as they will be able to buy everything the world has at much cheaper prices. Don't worry about their manufacturing. They have enough workers and factories to trade amongst themselves, while picking gold grapes off the world's cheap assets.
Without getting to far off topic let me say this. The bond market is about to turn down, and our dollar could rip higher. Look at every line on the chart as the time the two markets went in opposite directions. And then focus on the long term and see how overall they move in same direction of down. It's no coincidence that they move in tandem except for the recent run which is just a momentary perception change. You can call it a larger decoupling inside one large decline in both markets.
So now without FURTHER ADO.....

For charts and the rest of the article go to my scribd page here

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