Monday, January 2, 2012

The Amero-European Collapse and War with Iran

The Amero-European Collapse
and War with Iran

French President Sarkozy said today that Iran's Nuclear program is a serious and urgent threat. These comments couldn't have come at a more perfect time. America and Europe are tinkering on a GDP massive deflationary like depression. Without the ability to tap the bond market's for easy cheap money, Sarkozy is trying to push his agenda which is actually aligned with the US'. Let's not get it twisted. There is a reason why we were in Iraq all these years. They are the #9 largest producer of oil. We also saw an opportunity to go into Libya when they sit as the #13 largest oil producer. If you watch headlines lately, you'll notice the Obama corrupt agenda of pushing the story of Iran being a nuclear threat. Iran sits at #4 largest oil producer. Coincidence? Not at all! Pretend for a minute that the CIA was telling the truth when they say that they have proof of Iran's nuclear program. Well if that's the case why don't they allow us all to see. If you know their cards and want to call their bluff, then call the poker chips to the table. Stop playing kiddie rumor games just to feed us your war minded propaganda so the ultra rich can pay back their bad bets. Their all CRIMINALS and should not be trusted! Do your part and never send your son to serve in the army. It's the most anti-humanitarian thing you can ever do. I don't think people understand this simple fact. If they want us they can come attack us. Think about it! If you went attacking people around your neighborhood that you thought were going to be potential robbers of your home, you would be put in jail. No rational explanation to a judge would excuse you from going out and picking your battles. The battles must come to you and you must use the excuse of self defense. Apparently that doesn't seem like the problem when talking about war and killing people in other countries led by Barrack O'Hitler.

Here's the problem right now in the world. Europe and America are definitely very commingled in this whole European debt mess. For proof of this look at Alan Grayson's congressional question to Ben Bernanke ( ) Does anyone even realize the criminality behind what Bernanke is doing? He is lending out $500,000,000,000 of our countries wealth to some financial institutions in Europe. Lets not forget that this was done back in 2008. Oops!!! Bernanke should just dress up as Steve Urkel from now on, because he's going to have to say “Did I dooooo thaaaat!?” a lot going forward. Ben Bernanke might be the stupidest economist next to all other ones that crowd CNBC's airwaves everyday from 6 am to 8 pm. For proof of Ben's Steve Urkel like track record here is a little collection of clips compiled together in one short sweet video. ( ) And remember what the crazy part is about this whole issue. THIS FUCKING MORON RUNS OUR MONETARY SYSTEM. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT FUCKING MEANS. THAT HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND SHIT!

Let's focus on Europe again for a second. Europe's GDP numbers were a farce this whole time. They're system was only being kept afloat by stealing from the private sector via bank loans. The system was socialized, and like history dictates, socialism never works. Communism never works. And every other form of -ism aside from Capitalism has never worked. It’s allowed us freedom with a sense of responsibility. And when the responsibility is concentrated and given to an anti-producing majority (government workers) the system will eventually fail because of its narrowing and limited ability to produce and maintain its own existence without taking from those who actually work and trade goods. You can only take so much from a system that is working. Capitalism works because it entices people to want to participate in the game of buying goods that appeal to them. Any other form of -ism just looks to take away from that system. Because let's not forget that in reality we are all just really bartering goods that we've allowed paper to represent us and the exchange of such goods. And because the system has become so vast, global and complex we can forget that sometimes. That's why gold is the best investment aside from commodities, both durable and non-durable. In the end these are the things people will once again chase en masse.
But every flawed system must come to an end as they all do. There is not a fine line between being wrong and right. There is no line at all actually. Ignorance clouds our politicians here and abroad. They don't understand the meaning of no more donations and free rides. You see everyone, you only have two life lines in economics. This isn't “Who wants to be a Millionaire.” The first one you can use from somewhere usually called your savings, and the other happens when you need to ask someone to lend you money, most times referred to as credit. Europe has none of those options left. Kind of like the United States instead we have a central bank who just openly robs the American people while Europe has a system created out of dumb luck (because I doubt they would have implemented such a system knowing what they know now) that actually does them a favor by forcing monetary discipline. Unless of course, one nation (Germany) decides to invest in the PIIGS fiscally retarded socialist system. If they don't then that will be a great thing for mankind. It will then be at that moment that Germany stops giving its undisciplined children free money and teaches them responsibility and hard work. That will then force the PIIGS to change their socialistic stance not by decision but by force. Sometimes children need such things as many parents might agree :) And , as for the US, well your day is coming too. Not only in the bond market but in the commodities market. I feel sorry for all the suckers following BILL GROSS into this bond trade. Even if he outpaces returns in all other assets for the next year or two , it won't save him for an eventual run on our bond market within the next 5 years at the most. It can happen sooner and I would not go invested another day in this money market universe without some type of short on our illusionary bond market built on a house of cards.
Characteristic of a Bank Run

Bank of America



and again.....

for a Market Observation minute

S&P 500


                                                          For this chart and rest of article visit link

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