Monday, January 2, 2012

Do you want to be ruled?

Do you really want to be ruled by a SELECT few??

[Stock Charts are attached...]

Well what did you think the result would be? Did you think that creating a centralized a government otherwise known as our Federal Government was a good idea? Giving power to a few men in Washington over an entire nation was never suppose to be it's purpose. But that is what happens when you give a few people too much power and responsibility. They abuse it. So how did the Federal Government's role of being an institution that was only suppose to ensure our liberty and freedom turn into one who that controls our laws above any state? If you look back to some history you'll see that states were suppose to be ultimately in control. ( ) This would ensure variety and richness of opinion. So rich, that if one state's ideas became to communistic or anti-capitalist all the other states would act as a refuge.
But the problem is of the men we breed under our socialist educational system. It's the under-educated politicians that have more of a desire to be powerful than to be right that the problem arises. They are elected into office like it was a high school popularity contest and sign things into law out of ignorance. And the fact that we are taught that our past presidents were people who always did the right thing reflects our mirror of ignorance. But we were conned right? We voted for these idiots because they promised us things. They promised us security from outside threats and salvation from deep recessionary like depressions. They give us welfare, social security, medicare, the FDA , the FHA, the FDIC, and so many other organizations that promise us everything will be fine as long as the working class keeps paying into them.
We pay 30% of our income to the government currently. Think about this. Pretend we got rid of paper money and we went back to bartering goods. And lets say you farmed fish for a living and that was that way you bartered for other foods as a way to get the nutrition for you and your family. Well lets say you farmed 365 fish every year, 1 for every day. And every fish produced was important to your family businesses' future to maintain the ability to trade. Then comes along this central bodied government controlled by a few that is stationed thousands of miles away from your home that decides to put into law that they want 30% of the fish you farm a year. Now ask yourself, something. How comfortable would you feel giving your hard work away to some political mob who just run around creating laws and regulations around businesses while socializing programs that force you and every working American to pay into. Remember tax payers, we pay for people to live in section 8 housing and snort drugs all day. We also pay into a social security program that is structured exactly like a ponzi scheme. With a wide margin for error they make Bernie Madoff look like a mastermind. And now Obama wants to create a law that forces every human in America to buy Medical insurance or else? Or else what Obama?! If American presidents were allowed to run indefinitely we would be able to identify America's Hitler and put all the blame to one face. But America's politics are controlled by the ultra rich and they're cunning and robbing ways have succeeded once again in manipulating our system. Now they hide behind the faces that are known as our politicians and progressively fund anyone willing to take direct orders. And its quite clear how the rich begin to act when they become too wealthy. To find examples look no further than Warren Buffet and George Soros. Both endorse socialism even though both are direct benefactors of capitalism. Haven't we learned anything. Apparently not because most of today's voters this are still of a new generation. They didn't experience Germany, Russia, and China during communism. Our parents don't have stories to tell except to say “The good times, theyyyy arreee aaaaaa comin'!” Our grandparents were the ones who lived through the great depression so they learned to save, invest and work. That means they learned responsibility and sacrifice. Sacrifice of things both socially and materially. They learned to live under their means. Then came the baby boomers who were the most careless and gullible generation probably in history. Their gullibility is reflected by their willingness to allow the government to become the largest in history under their watch. Our government is currently the largest it has ever been with the most rapid expansion currently in history. Maybe part of the explanation was because the kids growing up behind their Depression aged parents were nothing but spoiled children coming from “OLD MONEY” , “TITANIC” money. REAL MONEY. WEALTH! The hard working American. The American that doesn't exist anymore.

Anyway here are some pictures of the Great Depression since we are all headed down this road whether we like it or not. The chances of it are 100%. Inflation will be the cause. Good luck to all! ,

[Stock Charts are attached...]

It's aaaaaaaaaaaaa COMIN' !
[Aghhh, Capitalism at it's finest. Those who were fortunate provided as much as they can to the needy. This is how capitalism use to operate. Today we might look towards the government to open these up for us, since the private sector is being robbed by our public government through excessive taxation and regulation anyway.]

[Hmmm... odd? It use to cost 25 cents to see a movie? What happened? Did the actors demand more money and that's why the price to watch of movie went up? Of course not. It was the direct result of excessive regulations and expenses over time by our governments. It's no secret and not complicated.]
[And this is history repeating itself wiping out 90% of the professionals on Wallstreet which will spawn a new age of gamblers. Old style smooth sailing trading era is over. We are in a land mine economy during a government bubble that's about to witness its own demise. Riots in Europe will look like an organized circus compared to America's. ]
annnnddd now, some Stock Charts for the Blind

WEEKLY CHART of the S&P 500 v.s. The Japanese Yen

To see this CHART and more visit my scribd page

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